Who can Donate Blood ?
Any healthy person between the age of 18 and 60 years can be a blood donor provided he/she fulfills medical requirement which protect both donor and recipient. The blood bank doctor screens all donors.
It is advisable to eat something before your donation.
Exceptions:If you are anemic.If you are on medication.If you are a lactating mother .If you are a pregnant/menstruating.Any person in the high-risk group.
Who cannot donate ?
For three months to 1 year after surgery.(Depending upon type of surgery)For three months after malaria.If in doubt, consult the Blood Bank doctor on duty.
What happens to my unit of blood ?
After you donate, your blood is tested for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Malaria etc to be sure that it is safe as possible for a patient to receive.
Blood group and type are identified.
A blood group card is mailed to the donor
Before the blood is issued for transfusion, it is cross matched with the patient's blood
Donor's blood must match with that of the patient
You cannot get AIDS by donating blood
Is Donating Blood Painful ?
Donating Blood is not painful and is completely safe for the donor. It takes approximately 5 minutes to donate blood and about 10 minutes for post donating rest and refreshment. Only 350 to 450 ml blood is taken which gets replaced in the body within 24 hours.
We need all type. Which type are you ?
Main blood are A, B, AB, O, RH positive and RH negative.A substance called 'Rhesus factor' (Rh factor) is present in blood. Blood with the Rh factor in it is termed as positive. So a donor of 'A' group with the Rh factor present is 'A+' while a person without the Rh factor is 'A neg.'. It is important that the Rh factor matches while giving blood to a patient. A, B & AB can sometimes have subgroup. O group may sometimes be of a rare type called Bombay Pheno -type. 95% is of India's population is Rh+. only about 5% is Rh negative.
How can human blood save lives ?
To Replace blood loss and to treat shock
in victims of accidents and burns
for those having major surgery
To exchange blood in babies
when they have severe jaundice
What's involved in giving blood ?
At the reception counter, you fill up a form and answer some questions.
Medical Screening
You are weighed, your blood pressure is checked and your hemoglobin level is also checked to make sure that you can give blood.
Blood donation
Sit back and relax during your donation.
What is blood component ?
Red Blood Cells
They contain hemoglobin, a substance responsible for carrying oxygen to the body tissues. Loss of Red Blood Cells, which can occur due to many causes, results in inadequate amount of oxygen being supplied to the body's tissues.
Uses: Concentrated Red Blood Cells are used for treating various types of anemia which do not respond to drug therapy. For example, victims of accidents who suffer major blood loss, patients having bleeding disorders, kidney disorders and for major surgeries.
White Blood CellsThey are known as leucocytes. White Blood Cells are the body's defense against disease, they help to fight infection. Some destroy bacteria, others produce antibodies against bacteria and viruses.Uses: Patients suffering from Septicemia are treated with White Blood Cells. In certain situation, especially in newborn babies with serious infection and low White Blood Cells count, transfusion of White Blood Cells may help to overcome these infections.
PlateletsThey are the sticky blood cells. The sticky quality enables Platelets to form clots over torn or damaged blood vessels from which bleeding occurs.Uses: Platelets in large quantities are transfused into patientswhose bone marrow does not produce enough Platelets, such as those suffering from leukemia, hemophilia and those undergoing chemotherapy.
PlasmaPlasma is composed mainly of water, salts and many proteins. It is the fluid portion of body which is processed by freeze dryingso that it can be stored at normal temperatures over longer periods of time. Whole Blood is suitable for transfusion for only thirty five days after it has been donated, while plasma from any blood not used during this period can be converted into dried Plasma and can be preserved for longer donation.Uses: Patients suffering from burns, crush injuries, hemophilia, liver disorder etc. require plasma.
Factor VIII preparationsCryoprecipitate, a product prepared from Plasma contain a blood clotting substance called factor VIII. This is absent in patients suffering from hemophilia.
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