Millions of people owe their lives to people they will never meet – people who donate their blood freely and without any reward. However, the overwhelming majority of the world’s population do not have access to safe blood. Over 80 million units of blood are donated every year, but only 38% are collected in developing countries where 82% of the global population live.
In addition, many countries remain dependent on donation by the families or friends of patients who require blood and, in some countries, blood donors still receive payment.Yet evidence from around the world demonstrates that voluntary unpaid donors are the foundation of a safe blood supply because they are least likely to transmit potentially life-threatening infections, such as HIV and hepatitis viruses, to the recipients of their blood. It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.
World Blood Donor Day builds on the success of World Health Day 2000 which was devoted to the theme ‘Blood Saves Lives. Safe Blood Starts With Me. The enthusiasm and energy with which this day was celebrated indicated that there would be a positive response to an opportunity to give thanks to the millions of people who give the precious gift of life. It also builds on International Blood Donor Day organized annually by the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations since 1995.
The event on 14 June 2005 is not intended to replace events such as national Blood Donor Days, but provides a special opportunity for a united, global celebration on a day that has particular significance: the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, the Nobel prize winner who discovered the ABO blood group system.
While it is hoped that World Blood Donor Day will create wider awareness of the importance of voluntary blood donation and encourage more people to become regular blood donors, the purpose is not to attract a big influx of new donors on 14 June. Rather, it is designed to celebrate and thank those individuals who voluntarily donate their blood without any reward, except the knowledge that they have helped to save lives, particularly those who give blood on a regular basis two, three or more times each year. It is our hope that a new generation of blood donors will follow their example, providing the safest blood possible for use wherever and whenever it is needed to save life.Youth will therefore be the focus of the day.
The day will also provide an opportunity to highlight the fact that voluntary non-remunerated blood donors are the foundation of a safe blood supply because they are associated with significantly lower levels of infections that can be transmitted by transfusion, including HIV and hepatitis viruses. Screening for transfusion-transmissible infections is essential, but the safest donations come from the safest donors.
14 June has been selected as World Blood Donor Day by three major organizations working for voluntary non-remunerated blood donation: the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society of Blood Transfusion.These organizations have been joined by the World Health Organization, which is co-sponsoring the event. Between them, they represent 192 Member States, 181 national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 50 national voluntary blood donor organizations and blood transfusion specialists throughout the world.
The sponsoring organizations have established a Steering Committee to plan activities at global and regional level to support national activities, including:
Global media campaign before and on 14 June 2008
Media pack for use as a basis for national media campaigns
Campaign kit containing ideas for World Blood Donor Day activities
Dedicated website containing:
–News about global, regional and national campaigns and activitie
–Examples of resources from individual countries, including TV and radio spots, slogans, donor education leaflets, posters,T-shirt designs, badges and stickers
–Resources for donor education and recognition that can be freely adapted at country level
–Publications from sponsoring organizations
Regular bulletins on preparations for World Blood Donor Day
Advocacy to support the development of national blood donor recruitment and retention programs
Training courses and materials for blood donor organizers and recruiters
And a special focus on successful youth peer education and promotion programs that attract large numbers of young voluntary non-remunerated blood donors who pledge not only to donate blood regularly, but also to adopt safe, healthy lifestyles to protect their own health.
During the period of preparation for World Blood Donor Day, the website will be regularly updated. We invite you to contribute to the global celebration of voluntary blood donors by sharing your own ideas, resource materials and plans for activities through the website or direct communication with the co-sponsoring organizations. Information on the impact of World Health Day 2000 and follow-up activities will be particularly welcome.
World Blood Donor Day provides a unique opportunity to give thanks to those very special people who provide the foundation of a safe blood supply, available to all patients requiring transfusion.We urge you to join with others in the global community in making 14 June 2008 an event to remember.
In addition, many countries remain dependent on donation by the families or friends of patients who require blood and, in some countries, blood donors still receive payment.Yet evidence from around the world demonstrates that voluntary unpaid donors are the foundation of a safe blood supply because they are least likely to transmit potentially life-threatening infections, such as HIV and hepatitis viruses, to the recipients of their blood. It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.
World Blood Donor Day builds on the success of World Health Day 2000 which was devoted to the theme ‘Blood Saves Lives. Safe Blood Starts With Me. The enthusiasm and energy with which this day was celebrated indicated that there would be a positive response to an opportunity to give thanks to the millions of people who give the precious gift of life. It also builds on International Blood Donor Day organized annually by the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations since 1995.
The event on 14 June 2005 is not intended to replace events such as national Blood Donor Days, but provides a special opportunity for a united, global celebration on a day that has particular significance: the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, the Nobel prize winner who discovered the ABO blood group system.
While it is hoped that World Blood Donor Day will create wider awareness of the importance of voluntary blood donation and encourage more people to become regular blood donors, the purpose is not to attract a big influx of new donors on 14 June. Rather, it is designed to celebrate and thank those individuals who voluntarily donate their blood without any reward, except the knowledge that they have helped to save lives, particularly those who give blood on a regular basis two, three or more times each year. It is our hope that a new generation of blood donors will follow their example, providing the safest blood possible for use wherever and whenever it is needed to save life.Youth will therefore be the focus of the day.
The day will also provide an opportunity to highlight the fact that voluntary non-remunerated blood donors are the foundation of a safe blood supply because they are associated with significantly lower levels of infections that can be transmitted by transfusion, including HIV and hepatitis viruses. Screening for transfusion-transmissible infections is essential, but the safest donations come from the safest donors.
14 June has been selected as World Blood Donor Day by three major organizations working for voluntary non-remunerated blood donation: the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society of Blood Transfusion.These organizations have been joined by the World Health Organization, which is co-sponsoring the event. Between them, they represent 192 Member States, 181 national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 50 national voluntary blood donor organizations and blood transfusion specialists throughout the world.
The sponsoring organizations have established a Steering Committee to plan activities at global and regional level to support national activities, including:
Global media campaign before and on 14 June 2008
Media pack for use as a basis for national media campaigns
Campaign kit containing ideas for World Blood Donor Day activities
Dedicated website containing:
–News about global, regional and national campaigns and activitie
–Examples of resources from individual countries, including TV and radio spots, slogans, donor education leaflets, posters,T-shirt designs, badges and stickers
–Resources for donor education and recognition that can be freely adapted at country level
–Publications from sponsoring organizations
Regular bulletins on preparations for World Blood Donor Day
Advocacy to support the development of national blood donor recruitment and retention programs
Training courses and materials for blood donor organizers and recruiters
And a special focus on successful youth peer education and promotion programs that attract large numbers of young voluntary non-remunerated blood donors who pledge not only to donate blood regularly, but also to adopt safe, healthy lifestyles to protect their own health.
During the period of preparation for World Blood Donor Day, the website will be regularly updated. We invite you to contribute to the global celebration of voluntary blood donors by sharing your own ideas, resource materials and plans for activities through the website or direct communication with the co-sponsoring organizations. Information on the impact of World Health Day 2000 and follow-up activities will be particularly welcome.
World Blood Donor Day provides a unique opportunity to give thanks to those very special people who provide the foundation of a safe blood supply, available to all patients requiring transfusion.We urge you to join with others in the global community in making 14 June 2008 an event to remember.
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