Thursday, May 1, 2008

How rare is your rarest blood group? AB -ve , B -ve , O -ve or A -ve ?

Blood donors are needed throughout the year. However, the need is felt more in the case of rare blood groups such as B negative, AB positive and AB negative. If the statistics available are any indication, it will send jitters. According to information available, the approximate
distribution of blood types universally is: O Rh-positive 38%, O Rh-negative 7%, A Rh-positive 34%, A Rh-negative 6%, B Rh-positive 9%, B Rh-negative 2%, AB Rh-positive 3% and AB Rh-negative 1%. However, the specific distribution may be different for specific racial and ethnic groups.

Given the scale of distribution of blood groups one can easily find out the number of people of particular blood type living in twin cities. Twin cities with a population of 60 lakh people (on conservative note) have approximately 22.8 lakh O Rh-positive, 4.2 lakh O Rh-negative, 20.4 lakh A Rh-positive, 3.6 lakh A Rh-negative, 5.4 lakh B Rh-positive, 1.2 lakh B Rh-negative, 1.8 lakh AB Rh-positive and 0.6 lakh AB Rh-negative blood type people.

What if some patients urgently require blood types found in only one in one hundred donors? Especially in case of heart surgeries each patient needs 6 units of blood.

The very thought of such situation is very scary. Because of this reason, Now We are trying their best to identify donors who have these rare blood types and ask them to enlist Rare Blood Donors Website , ( ) a free service which family members of the patients can utilise when they need voluntary blood donors for emergency surgeries. Such donors can give their personal details such as Name, Blood Group, address, contact telephone, mobile number and email

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